
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong ❓ - SLJ #6

Hello everyone!

Today I'm making this post for the Summer Learning Journey, or SLJ.

As you know, after every term there is a set of holidays.
In this time off school we chill at home, maybe we go on holiday somewhere or play video games.
After the holidays are over, we do our tests and we are behind so much!
Last time maybe someone got a 3P for maths and now they've gone down to a 2A or 3B.
The Summer Learning Journey was created to help students maintain their skills. 

So today I have decided to do the sixth activity.
What I had to do for this activity was to basically do this workbook.
On the slide after the title page is one I made myself.
Tell me what you think the differences are in the comments!

Here is my workbook:

That was pretty fun but some of them were a bit hard.
It didn't take too long to do, maybe thirty to forty minutes.

What was your favourite one?
What differences can you think of?

Cya later, have a nice day!


1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Amelia,

    I’m so happy you are participating in the SLJ this year! I think you have made a great choice. You are right, often students go backwards in their learning over summer. I love that the SLJ helps to keep our bloggers moving forward!

    I have enjoyed reading your explanations of the odd one out. I think perhaps B is the odd one out in your challenge as I have a feeling it is a different type of hair brush. Is that right? You have made a tricky one!

    I hope you keep up the great work!

    Ngā mihi,



To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Something helpful - add more info or ask me a question.
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning?